Bat Season

Bat Season

It is approaching bat season here in the Four Corners. Soon bats will be coming out of hibernation and returning to their summer roosts. Some of those roosts may include your home. Bats prefer to inhabit the south-facing side of structures for warmth. Under the roofs...
Timely Wildlife Removal

Timely Wildlife Removal

Spring is typically the time of year when many species have their young. To raise their litters, wildlife such as skunks and raccoons will look for shelter that is safe from predators and close to food and water sources. It is not unusual for these creatures to...
Gardening Tips to Discourage Nuisance Wildlife

Gardening Tips to Discourage Nuisance Wildlife

Spring has sprung here in the Four Corners. Chilly mornings are beginning to give way to warm and sunny afternoons. Local wildlife are waking up from hibernation or returning from a winter spent elsewhere, and many folks are ramping up for the garden season. As you...
Bird Control in Southwest Colorado

Bird Control in Southwest Colorado

In most cases, birds and humans can coexist with little to no conflict. However, there are circumstances where birds become a nuisance, and even a potential hazard, when trying to take up residence in human-made structures.  Like any other animal that moves into your...