Our Three-Pronged Approach to Wildlife Control
At times a simple adjustment can prevent a lifetime of future issues, damages, and expenses.
Through extensive inspection and evaluation, our wildlife specialists will offer suggestions for changing the environment in a way that could eliminate future problems.

When prevention methods are out of the question, we will remove the nuisance animal(s) from your property. This sometimes requires several trips to the location to assure that all activity has stopped.
We strive to find the most humane approach when removing animals. Customer input is always encouraged.

Once the problem has been removed, we will determine if there is a cost-effective approach to eliminating future issues through patching and repairing entrance areas, fencing, buried hard cloth, trimming vegetation, etc.
Our team will make every effort to ensure all animals have been removed before any exclusion is applied.
Species List

Bat Season
It is approaching bat season here in the Four Corners. Soon bats will be coming out of hibernation and returning to their summer roosts. Some of those roosts may include your home.
Bird & Bat Exclusion
An employee on the roof in full harness, tied off to a secure anchor. A tremendous amount of caution and safety equipment goes into the completion of bird and bat work.
Flicker Deterrent
Metal exclusion and reflective hanging wire put in place to discourage birds from nesting